Category Archives: Uncategorized

When was the Last Time You Saw God?

Dear Reader: I am so glad I decided to go back and re-read Louise Penny’s detective series…because I realize now I was reading the books so quickly the first time around…in my eagerness to discover “who dunnit” that I missed … Continue reading

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Learning From Nature About Life Changes…

Dear Reader: In the midst of a depressing inspection around my yard and garden yesterday…I learned a valuable lesson. Every time I look out my side window now…all I see are brown fromes dragging the ground and driveway…All the plants … Continue reading

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Intuition is a Lonely Path…but the Right One

(Neil Wade Photography– *This hauntingly beautiful photo, depicted in my own personal imagery, matches exactly what the path of personal intuition must look like…darkness with flickers of lighted hope) Dear Reader: No…I am not suffering from short-term memory loss…I do … Continue reading

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A Garbage Free Day…

Dear Reader: Like many other residents of Summerville… I was wondering if the garbage would ever get picked up again. It wasn’t just the snow/ice storm delay…our neighborhood garbage was never picked up the whole week before the storm, then … Continue reading

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Letting our Intuition be Our Compass

Dear Reader: I, personally, think one of the greatest losses in modern civilization is our loss of personal intuition. The dictionary defines intuition as: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning; an instinctive feeling.  For thousands … Continue reading

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Another Way of Looking at Saving….Share, Save, Spend

Dear Reader: At the beginning of the New Year there are usually three topics on our minds that we want to address differently in the New Year…maintaining a healthy weight, eating/exercising healthier, and financially saving more. A financial analyst was … Continue reading

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“No Longer Timed by Bells…”

( Enquirer News) Dear Reader: I discovered (while putting all the Christmas decorations up Wednesday) another basket with books in it. At first I thought “Oh no… not still more” but then when I saw what the books were…I thought … Continue reading

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“Return to Normalcy”

Dear Reader: Well, I did it….it wasn’t easy but I persevered. Once you start a major project like this you just want to see it through to the end so by nightfall everything is back to normal again….Christmas is gone. … Continue reading

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My “E” Granddaughters and Other Musings…

Dear Reader: Since I was heading back home yesterday and Charleston County called off school again for students (Giving teachers another work day)…Eva Cate went with her granddad over to Walsh and Mollie’s home so the guys could get Eloise’s crib … Continue reading

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Home is calling

Dear Reader: I am finally heading home today- I will be so relieved when I pull in my driveway- safe and sound! What an adventure it has been and as Helen Keller once said ” Life is either an adventure … Continue reading

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