Category Archives: Uncategorized

Small Acts Matter Most

Dear Reader: Lately the garden has been calling me back again and again…As much as I have professed disliking raking…for the past several days I have been raking portions of the entire garden. It will take several more days…(I choose … Continue reading

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The Window of Happiness

Dear Reader: Aren’t windows happy items by nature? Simply because they let the light in? I read the other day a quote that I liked…(I think it was from a window retail outfit…still the message rang true) that I can … Continue reading

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A Pawleys Sea Shell…Waves Back!

Dear Reader: The nicest thing about God Winks is when they come from another source I probably never would have connected with…(unless I had decided to write a daily blog one day way back in 2010.) Yesterday I received the … Continue reading

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“Everything Leans to the Light”

Dear Reader: Every time I look out, onto the front yard, from the porch, I notice how my Bradford Pear leans (slanted-ly) to the right. My neighbor’s oak tree’s branches grow over my driveway and block the Bradford Pear branches … Continue reading

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Finding Ourselves in Yellow Highlights

Dear Reader: I think I mentioned a couple of days ago that I got so excited reading Kent Nerburg’s Simple Graces that I stopped reading and ran to get my yellow highlighter marker. When finished…the book looked like it originally … Continue reading

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Finding Faith and Hope in the Small Corners of Our lives

Dear Reader: I got the deck cleaned off yesterday…it was a chilly start with frost…but warmed up nicely…especially in the early afternoon hours…I just wanted to curl up and take a nap on one of the lounge chairs. Instead I … Continue reading

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“How Do You Know It’s Me?”

Dear Reader: One of my favorite authors, Madeleine L’Engle’s, works are in demand again with the release of  A Wrinkle in Time…a popular children’s book turned into a movie.  She used the “story as a redemptive act” about her own father’s death … Continue reading

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“Let There Be Light”

Dear Reader: Yesterday I left for Sunday School early so I could try and catch my young confirmation partner… whom I am mentoring… during her faith journey. Since I was out of town last Sunday… during one of the scheduled … Continue reading

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Simpler Times…I’m Ready!

Dear Reader: After all the adventures in the first week of March at Pawleys…I am ready to settle back down and take refuge in my garden, visiting my neighbors, and walking farther distances around the neighborhoods adjacent to Miler. So … Continue reading

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Leaving Pawleys Island in “Good Spirit”

Dear Reader: It would be a shame to leave Pawleys again without sharing one of its most famous ghosts…to leave it behind without recognition from us. He is, of course, The Gray Man of Pawleys Island. As a child, I … Continue reading

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