Category Archives: Uncategorized

Joy, Peace, Happiness

Dear Reader: Ellen Degeneres is always talking about and signing off her show by reminding us to be  ‘kind to one another.’  Yet…in order to be kind to one another…we first have to start with being kind to ourselves. Fresh … Continue reading

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The Memory Letter

Dear Reader: Sometimes all it takes to change a day around completely… is one small letter…almost lost in my dark mailbox…squeezed in between Belk and Pizza Hut advertisements. A letter that brought so many memories flooding back! It was about … Continue reading

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The Chips that Tell a Story

Dear Reader: I have loved potato chips since I was a little girl and have never walked out on my love affair with them to date! Any one in our family… aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin… whoever kept me (when I … Continue reading

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After the Rain…Peace and Serenity

Dear Reader: What is it about the smell of earth after a much needed rainfall? If someone could bottle that smell…they would be a billionaire. It is a mixture of purity, cleanliness, freshness…it is the smell of life at its … Continue reading

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Creating Our Own Space for Others

Dear Reader: When you watch HGTV as “religiously” as I do, it is easy to notice the subtle trends of change emerging over the years. One of these is the return of wallpaper…which for years now has been pretty taboo. … Continue reading

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Going to the Dogs…Thank Goodness!

Dear Reader: Meet my grand-dogs…Tigger and his kissing cousin Khaleesi, along with her brothers Atticus and Pip…and of course Poogan or Poogie as we call her…a large dog who thinks she is a puppy too. (Emulating my “human” grandchildren…I have … Continue reading

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Just Passing Through…

Dear Reader: When I came across another short anecdote yesterday…it brought about another ‘pause and ponder’ moment. The more I thought about it; the more I liked it. The spiritual anecdote went like this: “Only a Visitor” In the last … Continue reading

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Rabbit Tobacco, Sour Grass, Camp Meeting, and Oh Yes…Roses!

Dear Reader: Doesn’t the title photo just make you gasp and inhale once again? There was double, triple, and even more combinations of roses and attached buds that ‘blew my mind’ in their unique beauties at the Edisto Memorial Gardens. … Continue reading

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Back Road Trips are the Best! Far out!

Dear Reader: I don’t know if you remember the scene from the old movie Michael starring John Travolta…who plays the part of a winged, cookie smelling, cigarette smoking, slob…the Archangel Michael who defeated Lucifer in the War in Heaven. Even, … Continue reading

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Letting Go of the Sadness

Dear Reader: How many time when attending a live theater performance have we seen these two masks…representing comedy and tragedy…yet never given the origin of them a second thought? It stems back to Greek mythology and early Greek theater performances. … Continue reading

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