Category Archives: Uncategorized

Moving Forward…Towards Fear

Dear Reader: I love learning more and more about animal habits and instincts because we can apply so many of their earthy experiences to our own everyday lives…for example: Take Lions! “The King of the Jungle” Did you know that … Continue reading

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A Natural “Oxymoron” of Beauty

Dear Reader: Yesterday was one of those rare days that started out so incredibly  it just made me say “It’s a Great Day to be Alive!” It was almost eight o’clock before I got home from Mount Pleasant Thursday evening. … Continue reading

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Problems…Mountains or Molehills..It’s Up to Us

(Never Try to Solve All Your Problems at Once- Line Them Up One by One by Priority) Dear Reader: How many times have we looked back on certain problems that grew completely out of control when they could have been … Continue reading

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Days are Filled with Clues to Life’s Mysterious Connections

(Painter: Mojarto- paintings on life’s mysteries) Dear Reader: Oscar Wilde once wrote “The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.”  Since yesterday I understand that paradoxical comment…sometimes it is something right in front of us that … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: Don’t we all deserve an “exhale” day sometimes? Yesterday was mine. It was all about me and I left any guilt twinges (for doing “nothing”) far behind. Don’t we sometimes try doing so much “good for everything” that … Continue reading

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Traveling Through Life with “Soft Eyes”

(Anne supplied me with “sky” landscape scenes from Dingle, Ireland….they are all so beautiful I couldn’t choose just one so I narrowed it down to three and will share them all…enough to “soften” anyone’s eyes!) Dear Reader: Ralph Waldo Emerson … Continue reading

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“Remember No is an Answer”

Dear Reader: I realize that ‘Christmas in July‘ has become a popular marketing trend in recent years…but August? However, when I came across this December Guidepost 2001 classic (true) story by one of my favorite authors (Madeleine L’Engle) I thought, in … Continue reading

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Creating a “Crayola” Garden

  Dear Reader: Isn’t it strange how some things just pop our of our mouths and it is only later that we realize what we said was right on target? I returned one last time, Saturday morning, to Ace Hardware … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: Two things happened yesterday to remind me, once again, that we are never alone in the universe but, instead, connected to all life that exists within. We are blessed beyond our wildest imaginations. Vicki, a new fellow blogger … Continue reading

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“Red Flower will grow new Leaves and Buds…and so will we, so will we!”

Dear Reader: I told “Big Red” good-bye yesterday. It was tough to pull that last (“plug”) stem but a human analogy would be that “Big Red” had ceased taking in nourishment for several weeks…the last stem had started turning black, … Continue reading

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