Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fall…Feeling Provided for in the “Now and Not Yet.”

Dear Reader: In ancient cultures and most other cultures around the world fall meant harvest season. It was a time for gathering all the produce planted and tended to in spring and summer so there would be enough food to … Continue reading

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“Reading Gives Us Someplace to go When we have to Stay Where We Are”

Dear Reader: (*Thank you Cindy Ashley for the perfect quote/drawing above-It sparked the idea for the blog post today!) After Ben left early Friday morning to head back to Conway…suddenly the house became very quiet again. All the neighbors, friends, … Continue reading

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The Natural Flow of Living in Gratitude

Dear Reader: In the blink of an eye the pumpkin decorations will soon disappear to be replaced with Christmas attire…another changing of the seasons…so last night Ben built a fire and we reflected on what we had to be thankful … Continue reading

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The Healing Power of Rest

Dear Reader: Yesterday afternoon I fell asleep in my recliner and woke up around 3:30 wondering how long I had slept. I felt so rested and as I was returning to to the den from the bedroom I heard a … Continue reading

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Faith Over Fear

Dear Reader: Late Monday evening…I had settled in with WV (Wound Vac machine) ….plugged in on one side with another cord running from the opposite side across my body ( counting the electrical cord to recharge WV during the night.) … Continue reading

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A Love Letter at Thanksgiving

Dear Reader: I had a God Wink yesterday while reading another devotion from (Faith/Gateway) and it dealt with  Psalm 18. It is known as the “Grateful Retrospect.” As Paul Harvey discovered a long time ago…it is always the story behind the story … Continue reading

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Recent “Fun Expressions” that Grew Out of Thanksgiving

Dear Reader: Today we associate beautiful words and terms from America’s first Thanksgiving- words like blessings, bountiful, thanks, feast, and gratitude. There are also some fun expressions that we say or recognize that grew out of this special holiday… some … Continue reading

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Special “Thank You” Moments

Dear Readers: I  just had a thought yesterday after all the Ya’s  left and I was back sitting in the recliner reflecting on all the fun and “scrumptious” lunch we had at Oscars Restaurant…our ‘go to’ place for special celebrations … Continue reading

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‘Trees are Experts at Letting Go’

Dear Reader: Fantastic news from my nurse Bobbie…she told me if I can put up with WV (Wound “Vac” machine) through the Thanksgiving holidays…then it appears  like my “divorce” from him will be declared “final” and I can ship him … Continue reading

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“Even Small Steps Will Get You Where You’re Going”

Dear Reader: When I received this note card from Gin-g the other day….I thought to myself…’How true.’ If there is one thing I have learned from this latest medical experience, it is that healing takes time. Even now, while still in … Continue reading

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