Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Deep in Their Roots, All Flowers Keep the Light”

Dear Reader: As I walked through my garden after the luscious rains had departed late Tuesday afternoon there was my little hydrangea that has hung in there for about three seasons now…not doing much…but here it was with beautiful green … Continue reading

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The “Magic” of Nature in Everyday Life

Dear Reader: Yesterday was such a “magical” day in so many ways…the results of my white cell blood count had risen…still low but no longer “critically low.” Staying off Ibrance (“The New Normal”) cancer medicine for three weeks did the … Continue reading

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Something “Old ” Under the Sun…Now “New”

Dear Reader: I don’t know if any of you saw the segment on CBS Sunday Morning News about Biomimicry…the study of finding solutions to present-day problems from nature…thus creating new innovations… I was fascinated! In the title photo…the study of … Continue reading

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Good News For a Change…

  Dear Reader: *It happened…March 29, 2019. I was officially released from the Comprehensive Wound Center/East Cooper Hospital Annex after almost six months of treatments! It was bittersweet leaving so many friends behind but I was so ready! I just … Continue reading

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“A Garden to Walk in and…”

“A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in- what more could he ask? A few flowers at this feet and above him the stars.” Victor Hugo (Les Miserables) Dear Reader: This is a quote that somehow escaped me reading … Continue reading

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Passing Down a Love of History…

  Dear Reader: Yesterday I went to the mailbox and had a letter from Beverly Parkinson…our talented note card creator and loyal blog reader. Her mother is in the process of throwing out lots of old magazines…one being the Victoria. … Continue reading

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A Dictionary to Help the “Aged Out”?

Dear Reader: It is hard to believe that another Easter will soon be here…holidays seem to tumble one on top of each other these days. I am glad Easter is late this spring so hopefully I can get a few … Continue reading

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“All that I have Seen” Leads to Trust of the Un-Seen

  Dear Reader: When I went with Vickie last Friday to the Hollow Tree Nursery I told the owner,  Lisa,  that my red bud tree was blooming with new buds attaching themselves everyday to the stems. She commented that she … Continue reading

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Being But Not Being At the Same Time…

Dear Reader: The beauty of another wonderful surprise of nature made me pull over to the side of the road yesterday. It was something I spotted coming home from Newington Elementary…on Luden Drive connecting to Highway 17-A. There were wetlands … Continue reading

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Sunday Afternoon Musings…

Dear Reader: In spite of increasing health issues…I really like getting older because it doesn’t take much to make me happy…actually clap my hands in glee. This aged, old tree (outside my “office” window) with the azalea bud opening upon … Continue reading

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