Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mother Nature’s Surprises on Mother’s Day

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning, Sunday May 12, Mother’s Day, I awoke to the long-awaited sound and luscious fresh smell of rain! I immediately texted my neighbor Vickie and got an instant reply…“Best gift ever for Mother’s Day…Doesn’t it smell so … Continue reading

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The Amazing Attachment of Mother and Child

Dear Reader: While I was at the beach I came across an article by Guide Post…Mysterious Ways that I found fascinating. It is about the miraculous and inexplicable bond between mothers and their children. Source: The Miraculous Bond Between Mother … Continue reading

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Edisto… Over-Easy

Dear Reader: “Over-easy” was definitely the lifestyle and theme for the week…I was starting a new cancer medication while on the retreat, Brooke was preparing psychologically for her upcoming rotator cusp surgery and of course Libby’s neck/back surgery came with … Continue reading

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Imagine a World of No More “What-if’s”

Dear Reader: I am coming home today from Edisto Beach….the bittersweet day we knew was coming all week, yet we are never quite prepared when it arrives. Everyone is conflicted with mixed emotions…ready to get home to check on things … Continue reading

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Meet Skippy, the Audacious Squirrel!

Dear Reader: I think it was Mark Twain who once said, “I don’t know if history repeats itself, but it sure rhymes a lot.”  First there was Sammy, initially the stalking cardinal who about demolished both car mirrors on the … Continue reading

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Always Thank a Teacher…and Don’t Forget the Hug!

Dear Reader: As school winds down for another year…Teacher Appreciation Week is here! As a retired teacher and a big proponent of  a teacher’s right to fight for better teaching conditions… I was with the South Carolina teachers in spirit … Continue reading

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Hope: “The Best is Yet to Be”

Dear Reader: At one pivotal moment (the Mitford Series) in Father Tim’s life he must choose whether he is willing to make blood transfusions to someone he just discovered is a half-brother….through his father’s infidelity and a housekeeper who he … Continue reading

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Walking on Clouds

Dear Reader: Two hours after I took this photo last Saturday the dark clouds moved in, the thunder boomed, and the lightning started flashing…I was not only “walking on clouds” in my euphoria over finally getting some desperately needed rain … Continue reading

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We Have More in Common than We Have Differences

  Dear Reader: After decades of teaching in a classroom I would be the first to admit that if we could offer the perfect education to every person on earth it would be the opportunity to travel the world. There … Continue reading

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New Growth Opportunities…Every Season

Dear Reader: The garden is just going crazy with new life, new buds, and new growth. As I walked by Eva Cate’s green Japanese Maple (the other day) a bright spot of red caught my eye….new growth… and goodness gracious … Continue reading

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