Category Archives: Uncategorized

Slow Down Softly….

Dear Reader: I need a break from technology….even at my quite basic level. I am ready to let my iPhone  disappear a few days and my email  go with it. I even need a break from the television and all … Continue reading

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One Minute of Human Contact

Dear Reader: Human contact is so important….but I have come to realize that human/plant contact also makes us healthier. Like the cranberry cluster hibiscus this beautiful hibiscus (in the title photo) is a luna perennial…they last for several seasons…not just … Continue reading

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A “Topsy-Turvy ” Day!

    Dear Reader: Some days are just plain crazy…there is no other word for it. They might start out okay…but then something goes caput and the domino effect follows. The day really did start out promising…I decided to plant … Continue reading

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The History Behind “Rabbit…Rabbit!”

Dear Reader: A wonderful friend from church, Susan Johnson, emailed me yesterday morning and said she had read a Southern Living Magazine article on the history of the superstition behind saying “Rabbit, Rabbit” on the first day of each month. … Continue reading

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Life Itself is Enough

  Dear Reader: Yesterday… the first real feel of Fall arrived. It was in the sixties when I woke up and immediately the garden was calling…I could work in it without breaking a sweat! Almost sweater weather! My neighbor Jane … Continue reading

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“Wearing Our Hearts on Our Sleeves”

Dear Reader: When we refer to little children’s feelings…the old phrase “They wear their hearts on their sleeves”  seems appropriate…especially when we witness  little children’s feelings getting hurt quite easily by a careless remark. The phrase ….‘wearing one’s heart on their … Continue reading

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Jolabokaflod…the “Christmas Book Flood”

  Dear Reader: I inadvertently came across a wonderful Christmas Eve tradition that I fell in love with…I couldn’t wait ’til Christmas to share it with you. It is called Jolabokaflod…loosely translated into English meaning “Christmas Book Flood.” It takes … Continue reading

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A Life of Significance

Dear Reader: The Hope Diamond, the most expensive piece of jewelry in the world (45.52 carats) is today priced at 250 million dollars. It has a long turbulent history of having a curse upon it, mystical powers, and the magical … Continue reading

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Not Letting “Things” but Moments Define Us

Dear Reader: Sometimes at night in our deepest thoughts don’t we  wonder how we would conduct ourselves in a moment of crisis (which we understood in a split-second of time …at the moment it was transpiring)…that this event would define … Continue reading

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Picking Our Battles…

Dear Reader: Look! My “Mr. Lincoln” rose has returned again….this is the best year yet. You might remember I talked about its fragrance being in a category all by itself…and then even ordered from ETSY a bottle that comes pretty … Continue reading

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