Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Dwell in Possibility”…

Dear Reader: It was 2006 when I first heard the word “Possibilitarian.” It changed my life. A young, whimsical artist, by the name of Kelly Rae Roberts, was starting the movement based on a quote from Dr. Norman Vincent Peale … Continue reading

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Is it Time to Write Our Beliefs ….Make a Manifesto?

Dear Reader: I was recently catching up on (artist) Kelly Rae Roberts’ latest post. She was talking about how important it is to take time to write down our personal beliefs. She first wrote a manifesto in 2012 when she … Continue reading

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Once Upon a Sleepover

Dear Reader: It is Sunday afternoon…and I have just returned home from Mt. Pleasant. It has been a crazy weekend…but also a very memorable one…tiring but worth every ounce of strength to pull it off. Eva Cate and Rutledge were … Continue reading

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The Unforgettable “Anchors” in Our Lives…

Dear Reader: When we take time to reflect back on our lives…we come to the realization that we were able to function and live the life we were destined to live…because of the “anchors” in our  lives. For most of … Continue reading

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Let’s Take a Stand…And SHINE!

Dear Reader: Aren’t these sun’s rays beautiful….if I could be Alice in Wonderland for one day…I would love to slide down a sun’s rays deep into the rabbit hole and land on layers and layers of these brightly colored clouds … Continue reading

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Speaking to Each Others’ Hearts…Not Just Their Faces

Dear Reader: It is interesting sometimes to go into one’s private administrative section of WordPress concerning your individual blog post…to get information on which posts from the past are still drawing readers. When I looked at the list yesterday one … Continue reading

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The Universal Energizer

Dear Reader: The other day I was crossing my front porch from the B&B side to my side and I noticed how dark it had gotten with thunder rolling off in the distance. For the low country…this is a pretty … Continue reading

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Stepping Up to the Plate of Life

Dear Reader: Don’t we all remember those butterflies in our stomachs when it came our turn to bat…as a child or youth? As much time as we spent dreaming about making that home run in the ninth ending with the … Continue reading

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The Lasting Healer…A Story

Dear Reader: From the moment I arrived last Thursday to be with the grandchildren… (the morning Poogie passed away)…the children were already talking about the Rainbow Bridge. When I asked Mollie about it…she said it was a metaphor for pets … Continue reading

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Do Small Things with Great Love

Dear Reader: I think so many of us are deterred from taking on new challenges and situations because we are afraid of failure. We don’t realize that we don’t have to conquer the world or set it right side up … Continue reading

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