Category Archives: Uncategorized

Memories, Gatherings, Gratitude, and Faith

Dear Reader: When I got home Sunday afternoon I was exhausted but got the blog post completed and fell asleep watching television that evening. Since yesterday was Monday….it was time to answer the latest StoryWorth question which asked me about … Continue reading

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Let’s Blame it on the Halloween Blue Moon!

Dear Reader: This weekend has been “wild and crazy” … Halloween, full moon, blue moon, time change, Clemson nail-biter football game, and the scariest day still ahead…Election Day. *Add in our personal bizarre incidents…like Jake’s broken arm/surgery on Halloween and … Continue reading

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Stepping Back While Stepping Up on All Saints Day

(Waiting on the ambulance) Dear Reader: The title will probably be longer than this post today. Friday afternoon Jake broke his arm and John took him to the doctor…After x-raying it…the determination was made he was going to need surgery. … Continue reading

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Bringing the Forest Back Inside Us

Dear Reader: Long ago Thoreau told us “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, … Continue reading

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The New “Fluid” Life of 2020

Dear Reader: There is definitely a story behind this original artistic (hand dyed wood on linen) artwork for our cover today… and I will get to it in a minute. But while my mind is still “fluid” with ideas floating … Continue reading

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When You Put Love Out in the World, It Travels

Dear Reader: God Winks were popping yesterday and the timing couldn’t  be better. I read an article last week that pretty much summed up the crux of what  the vast majority of Americans are feeling now…EXHAUSTED! In fact we have … Continue reading

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Making a List of What We’ve Learned in Life

Dear Reader: Many people are “list” people…they can’t go anywhere without a list…like the grocery store or start the day’s errands…they feel more secure with a list. Lists are very important it seems in today’s society…so many life guidance books…that … Continue reading

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Hurricanes and White Christmases

Dear Reader: My question for this week’s StoryWorth asked…“Describe your most memorable birthday.”  My first instinct was to search mentally for a childhood or teenage birthday but nothing popped. (Except for receiving “Polly the doll” on my fifth birthday and … Continue reading

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Don’t Change So Much that God Doesn’t Recognize You

Dear Reader: Yesterday Mollie brought Lachlan and Eloise to come play with Boo Boo wearing their Halloween costumes. (Rutledge had a birthday party to attend so he didn’t get to come.) Mollie stopped in front of the grandchildren’s picture that … Continue reading

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“Fishing” for a Compliment

Dear Reader: Grandmother Wilson gave me a great lesson in gratitude one summer…when I was at her house… and it had to do with cornbread. To this day I can still taste grandmother’s cornbread in my mind…it was the best … Continue reading

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