Category Archives: Uncategorized

Reclaiming Time as a Gift

Dear Reader: I remember the days of working full time as a teacher and single mother of three children and staying angry at time. How unfair it was to have the same amount of hours, minutes, and seconds each day … Continue reading

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Watching History… Watching You

Dear Reader: Yesterday Eva Cate could hardly wait to give me her “present.” It had been a project in social studies. Each student was to tell what a grandparent had taught them about history and she quickly chose me-the retired … Continue reading

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A Delightful Dappled Day

Dear Reader: When I returned home from our family Mother’s Day gathering yesterday I placed the pink dahlias and teapot succulent under the tree while I carried in other packages. It wasn’t until late afternoon that I went back out … Continue reading

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Strong as a Mother

Dear Reader: I can think of no better analogy than the title of this blog. Think about it. A mother is suppose to do the impossible! And not just in the day-to-day work, sacrifice and love. In essence a mother … Continue reading

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Grit Refuses to Quit

Dear Reader: How many times do we find ourselves giving ourselves pep talks on exactly why we “should would could” do something we have put off for various reasons and when finally accomplished … are so glad we ” did?” … Continue reading

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Be There

Dear Reader: Show up… simply show up! These past few days have been spent in Conway tending to my brother who had a pacemaker put in. It turned out to be some of the best times we have spent together. … Continue reading

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Opening One’s Heart to Love

Dear Reader: Just a quick note to say that all went well with my brother’s surgery-it was a long night and long day-had planned to send some pictures but my brother!/ internet isn’t working…. I just want to thank everyone … Continue reading

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Door to Our Heart

Dear Reader: Today I am packing to head to Conway to be there for my brother Ben after he receives his pacemaker tomorrow. Always nice to have an extra pair of hands and ears post surgery-the patient is always so … Continue reading

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“I’ve Never Been to Me”

Dear Reader: While picking up some CVS prescriptions yesterday a song came on Casey Kasem’s Top Forty from 1977. One song I didn’t remember or the English singer ( Charlene) had a stanza that caught my curiosity-“I’ve been to Paradise … Continue reading

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A Short. Simple Reflection

Dear Reader: We had the most perfect first day of spring-cool topping out in the mid seventies. The perfect day for an outdoor birthday tea party for Eva Cate and her wonderful ” aunties” from two generations! It was the … Continue reading

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