Shine On… Your Way!

Dear Reader:

The hardest part of ” surviving ” the Wonder Years” ( aka middle school) is having the courage to be yourself and shine on your own terms.

Not all, but most tweens and early teens are self-absorbed and anxious to fit in at any cost. They want to dress and act like their peers-the greatest fear of a middle schooler is being left out of the ” norm” … isolated from the pack.

However… every year I remember those ” rare specimens ” who went to the beat of their own drums” and took on challenges that their peers hid from…

I can still visualize this handful of students today…who went on to work on Wall Street, produce and act on Broadway, run free clinics for the underprivileged… travel the globe with their observations and writings… in other words… create their own sunbeams to guide them.

Upon reflection ( after 30 years of teaching eighth graders) these ” sunbeam” students had a built-in confidence that allowed them to see the world ( and their place in it) a little differently… they didn’t waste time playing the role of a chameleon… to fit in… but showed their true colors and felt comfortable in them.

This year I have two middle school aged grandchildren ( Eva Cate and Rutledge.) My grandmother’s prayer for both of you is to dig deep, find that confidence inside each of you… and don’t be afraid to ” shine a little differently.” Be true to yourself.

So until tomorrow… yesterday I ordered a pizza to share with some neighbors… while I was sitting and waiting inside on the pizza … my foot knocked something down by my feet. It was a little cross that read: ” Inhale- Exhale… It is well… It is well!”

Inhale Exhale… It is Well- It is Well!

I thought to myself what a great mantra… simple enough to remember and apply silently before any challenging moment… no matter the age!

Today is my favorite day- Winnie the Pooh

Good luck today Eva Cate and Jake on your first day of school… ” Let Your Little Lights Shine!”

Big Yellow Came Through… Two blooms for Eva Cate and Jake’s first day of school-May you grow and Bloom this year!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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