Dear Reader:
When I first saw today’s visual title message… I was skimming the internet and initially read it as ” I’m a simple person who just likes long walks in the book.” ( no aisles) Not that I don’t like walking through book aisles too, but my initial perception immediately centered on the fact that every time I start a new book… I am starting a new journey… I am literally walking in someone else’s world. My hope is that I will learn something new about myself along the trip.
A book to me is a ” walk away” opportunity to leave the world, in all its rotating craziness and scary instability, behind and instead embrace new thoughts and ideas that re-enforce the goodness of new possibilities in rebuilding a ” better” world for us all. We need to, not only look for the Good in each day, but live it.

One observation that tugs at me occasionally is how it seems that the older our senior loved ones get… their habits change to a somewhat bizarre interest. Where I glance at the news headlines each morning on early morning shows… I leave it there too. But I have noticed and then remembered mother watching the early 24/7 national news channels… all day every day. No longer watching her favorite soap opera, game show, even her beloved Golden Girls.
Was it just having human voices talking around her or something else? Today if I visit Ben in his room/his television is blaring on the same news channel day in and out. I know of other older friends whose televisions are repeating the same ” ritual”? My first instinct is to turn it off or at least turn it down.
Maybe I have given someone looking for a thesis idea a heads-up? Why, in the endless wonderful opportunities of our twilight years, would anyone want to ” ruin” it watching troubling environmental issues, political mayhem, wars and talks of war, and other depressing aspects of life every waking minute of the day? What an a-skewed world to choose to live in????
I want to be around friends who are still following their dreams, I want to remain grateful that I can still be a part of watching my family grow and make memories that will last long after I am gone. (In other words…) I am still excited about future surprises in store for me!)

So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Hello Becky,
I’m so excited! A new day is dawning here in British Columbia, Canada AND your blog seems to be coming through to me automatically once again! I’ve missed reading your daily observations, but now we are in touch once again and I’m thankful. So enjoyed today’s blog too….so true since I’m a senior as well. With 75 years of life behind me, there is still LOTS to look forward too. With our first grandson turning 24 this week and newly married I know there will be great grandchildren to come in a few years. But for today other blessings!
Yes, we are about to become grandparents again, but to a “grand dog” this time…a Labradoodle puppy is being adopted by our daughter and family in Colorado. We’ve seen photos of the puppies they will be choosing from come Sept. 11th and they are adorable! So life continue fun, full and fulfilling apart from anything we might watch on our TVs or computers. (actually we don’t own a TV and don’t feel like we are missing much)!!
Blessings, Lynn
So WONDERFUL to hear from you-was e
So happy hearing from you again….I have missed you but isn’t life full of surprises- glad you continue to g love life so fully!
Blessings back as you shower in God’s grace….just having FUN!!!!!!!!Missed you!!!!