Dear Reader:
Yep… yesterday was another cold, dreary rainy Monday. I braved the elements to run to the grocery store… and on the way home came across these geese playing happily in a vacant lot off the highway…immersed in the kind of intermittent off and on rain showers that only they would love.
However, after slowing down and pulling over to watch…these geese’s funny antics made me start laughing and definitely brightened my day. Now I was ready to do something fun on the blog post for today… and you know history always makes me happy.
My God Wink came a few blocks later when I noticed the new flags flying over downtown Summerville-this year is a very special year in Summerville’s history-our 175th Anniversary!!!
It is time to share my deep love of this beautiful little flower town- nestled on an elevated pine ridge -that affords us clean air and beautiful flowers year round. *** I wasn’t born here… but after five decades of living here, teaching here, and raising a family here… I consider it my native home.

When I moved to Summerville right after college graduation to teach ( 1971-72) little did I know that this little town with a population of then three thousand residents ( would double to 6000 by the late 70’s) would be my ” forever” home. That in itself was and is an on-going God Wink! I arrived just in time to see Summerville bloom with more than just flowers… people discovered its secret charms… that had been hidden for years!
Summerville has more nicknames and motto’s than just about any other town in SC. Some are: ” Flowertown in the Pines” ( given by the Chamber of Commerce almost a century ago) ” Let the Pine be Sacred” ” The First Railroad Town in America ” ” Home of the Flowertown Festival” and since 2015 “The Birthplace of Sweet Tea.”
(*** Part of me selfishly regrets this ” gem” of a town drawing in more and more people to the point that the population boom continues as it has just passed the 50,000 mark!) We are now the 7th most populated “city” in South Carolina.
Our little patch of paradise that initially drew Charlestonians, as well as, other Lowcountry residents , to seek relief from the heat and mosquitoes here in the 1700’s continues to draw in large diverse segments of people from every state in America-and other countries. The secret is out-outstanding public school system, friendly residents and 18 square miles with direct links to Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester. Opportunities galore!
Once a sleepy little bedroom community to Charleston-Summerville now rivals Charleston for its festival, housing market, and increasing industries. But for me and my little neighborhood… it is just Home.
So until tomorrow… If home is where the heart is… then my heart belongs to Summerville! ❤️♥️💗

When we moved here in 1975 we had no idea that 46 yrs later we would still be here…as you said…it is home.
And what a lovely one 🙂