Dear Reader:
Take a minute and walk around your Christmas tree. Do you have a heart ornament(s) on it? You should-after all Christmas IS love!
Thanks to my Danish friends ( Kewin and Rikke Hvidt) I have lots of julehjerters ( braided or pleated Christmas hearts) on my tree. They remind me each year of our friendship and love at Christmas!
Yesterday I was reading an article on how dogs ” smell time.” It smells different throughout the day. Morning has a different scent from afternoon which smells different from nighttime. The canine nose is so sensitive that dogs can determine the difference between 5 and 6 PM -the time you get home from work.

What got me thinking about hearts and time was a statement made by an author on a talk show that said:
” The human heart doesn’t know time, it just knows what makes it beat faster … LOVE !”

So true… when it comes to love… time stands still and one wonders if everyone else can hear how loudly his or her heart is pounding!
Now think back to the night Jesus was born… if the human ear was half as sensitive as a dog’s nose … can’t you imagine those shepherds’ hearts were about to beat out of their chests … after hearing the good news from the angels?
Shepherds, by nature of their job, were introverts and now they were being told to spread the good news and find the baby. They didn’t hide out in their solitude but went right to the center of the action.
Aren’t we to leave our personal hang/ups, problems, and idiosyncrasies behind-and instead accept God’s comforting love for us in all its amazing abundance-pure love, pure joy!
So until tomorrow… Let’s get our hearts racing in excitement and joy-Love is about to descend on us once again-It’s time-like the shepherds-who hurried to the center of the action-it is time for us to remember the ” reason for the season ”

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Walsh is with Rutledge in Atlanta for the ” Battleground Youth Football All-Stars” game he was selected for from his team. They had their first practice today, another tomorrow, and then the game Saturday. ***Boo wants you to have fun Rutledge , be safe, and make new friends and memories! ❤️