Dear Reader:
Mollie let me know recently I only had two more StoryWorth questions to answer and my life story was complete… to date!!!
I am so excited about seeing the finished product-52 weeks of questions and responses about my life for the family to have … my story and legacy hard-bound by love and appreciation! Wow! What a gift the family gave me!
So I decided to share this week’s question and response with you today.
The question asked me to re-tell an adventure I had been on… and my first thought was… it has been my life adventure that has been quite a thriller .
The most exciting adventure that I have been on has been my life adventure. It started out as a Greek Tragedy with two grandfathers and one father dying within a month of each other, followed by my mother who lost a hand to bone cancer a year later… a near- miss tragedy with a ” big ” brother in Vietnam… followed by the death of my ” little” brother.
But life is never filled with so many shadows that the light can’t get through… God’s light… and His blessings have been bountiful throughout my story.
Thirteen years ago it was God Who took control of my breast cancer and became my Healing Physician… reminding my surgeons and doctors that only He was in charge of my life… and that I wasn’t going away as quickly as they had prognosticated.
It appears that my life story has been divided in half. The first part was spent on automatic pilot-rushing everywhere-to school to teach, raising three children, juggling human responsibilities with financial survival.
But suddenly one day it was over. I came up for air-just long enough to gasp the realization that I had a treatable but not curable form of breast cancer. Thank goodness human physicians are only instruments of the Great Physician and God had other ideas and plans for my life.
So thirteen years later, after my three year longevity prognosis, here I am! Posting a daily blog, surrounded by family snd friends, experiencing travels to other states and even countries… just plain loving my life!

So until tomorrow… in spite of pandemics and societal/ political upheaval, I still believe in the good found within man and that the best is yet to come. I am living proof that miracles exist and only God is in charge!

” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh