Dear Reader:
In Psychology Today… an article referenced Robert Johnson’s book-Owning Your Own Shadow. The central observation declared that unless we learn to balance our own personal shadows with the light… we usually try to project our shadows or dark sides on others.
This has been true throughout history… for example have you ever watched the evening news and by the end felt dumped on by too much dark news? Ironically some people gravitate to and talk about negative news … why negative news sells better than good news …while others of us need
more light to balance it and live for the final five minute segment about something good happening around us.
Johnson declares ” By embracing the opposites ( light and shadows) we are milking the shadow and that’s the saving grace.
Today one of my favorite times of the day is early morning… just as the sun filters through my Happy Room! I lazily lie on the sofa and watch the sun cross the fire place and hearth lighting up in bright shades of orange! It seems to light my spirit!
In ancient times communities chose one person each year to carry the shadows and darkness for everyone else.
He was the ” bogey” man. He would be killed at the end of the year… taking the evil deeds of the community with him.
The people were so grateful for his service that until his death he was not required to do any work and could have anything he wanted. Since he had the power of the collective shadow in him, he was supremely powerful and feared. Today, of course that is how children were/ are admonished…’ The bogey man will get you if you aren’t good.’
So until tomorrow… suggestions for keeping our shadows in balance:
Be grateful and express gratitude-Reach out to others for uplifting when needed; have courage, be more open to change and be patient with yourself… some light beams are harder to climb than others!
There was much light and beauty in the garden this morning!

” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
Hope everyone had a great Labor Day! The most labor I exercised was popping boiled peanut shells! So good!

Thanks, Becky. I never knew where the bogeyman came from.
I found that interesting too…originated somewhere back in ancient India the article stated.
When I was small, I was never afraid of a bogey man, just the dark. One night, I kept telling my sister ,who was in the other bed , that there was someone by my bed so please cut on light. After making the plea so many times, my sister disgustedly told me the light had been on for five minutes so I needed to take my head from beneath the covers and open my eyes. Maybe that’s the difference in seeing the shadows and seeing the light. It depends what we are looking for and how we see it. Just another thought on light and shadows. (Love boil peanuts,).
I love that metaphor….perfect!!!! You hit a homerun Jo! 🙂