Fall is America’s favorite season … so much so that a popular expression has recently sprung up:
” There are only two seasons… Autumn and Waiting for Autumn.”

This weekend will pretty much mark the end of summer -swimming pools, bathing suits, and cook-outs with beach hot dog vendors.
Everything pumpkin will take over the television advertisements…

For me… the weather is the most important element needed to let me know fall has arrived! The past two mornings’ temps have popped me right out of bed…. low humidity and in the sixties! I can hardly wait to get outside… so much so… that I am driving over to Mt Pleasant to watch Rutledge play his second football game of the season!
I am sure when the weather turns back upward at the start of the week I will pout at the humidity and high temps again… such is the fickleness of man while waiting on fall… or as Mark Twain expressed best…
” Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.”
Tommy and Kaitlyn are in the Highlands for a little R&R but before they left I received a Clemson Care Package from them and I can hardly wait to spread out all my paraphernalia this evening!

So until tomorrow… Enjoy each day in life … but when autumn falls… pick yourself back up and get back on track!
I meant the RIGHT track! 🤣

” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh