Diving Beneath the Surface of Living

Dear Reader:

Don’t we all have moments when we pause long enough to wonder if we are just ‘surfing the surface’ of life and missing out on the deeper spiritual wonders of the world…that are just waiting for us to dive down and discover? (The world beneath our feet where our dreams become reality)

The amount of time we spend on earth compared to eternity is defined as a micro-second…(perhaps even smaller… but I wasn’t ever good at math) Just know it is might be only half a blink of the eye.

In Miller William’s poetry book titled: Living on the Surface he describes time in this poetic line as  “minutes are rolling storm clouds and seconds bolts of lightning.” 

I suppose it was the thunder storms yesterday that rolled through that got me thinking along these lines for the blog  post today.

Every time I am reminded of just how limited our time-line is on earth…I find myself jumping up to make my bed or wash the dishes…anything  that makes me feel “accomplished” for doing something constructive.

Then later when I re-think that panicky feeling I realize I did do something…but constructive...now that’s debatable? It was all surface…down to dusting the surface of my coffee table. (It really does look better though! 🙂

Since my cancer diagnosis in 2008 I will admit that I have been diving deeper (beneath the daily rituals of life) for inward answers to the secret of the universe. I am not diving for riches in the material sense (though that would be nice)…but for a new awareness of the treasures of hope, faith, and joy that lie just beyond our mundane daily perceptions.

And to be quite honest…I have found these treasures and more. My outlook on life today is so much broader and accepting than it was pre- “little c.”  Maybe it takes those constant pounding waves of life experiences to show us the beauty of life under the seas…the other world that exists (without our knowledge) unless we are brave enough to dive beneath the waves.

I have gotten two interesting comments on different blogs I have written this week. One was from a blog site called flavours2017 (amazing recipes in it!)- the young blogger had read an earlier posted blog about my life now at the age I am and she commented: “Loved your write-up, you made it so interesting…living a retired, peaceful life. I aspire for this kind of life in my later years.” 

This made me smile and I replied “It IS a wonderful time in life that I never would have contemplated when I was younger…(your age) Remember ‘The best is yet to be.”

 Then day before yesterday I got a comment from another blogger named Angela who offers wonderful book ideas and suggestions on her blog post titled Books and Opinions LLC.

One of her suggestions really stopped me in my tracks…she was commenting on a picture (about the difference in reading the book or seeing it in the movies)…calling it the “Best Book Picture…Ever.” And she provided the picture.

(We could just as easily changed books and movies to conscious and subconscious thoughts, including imagination (which drives our lives) and is located between our daily thoughts and movements and our dreams and hopes. The two are linked.

No matter how good a movie is based on a book…the vast majority of movie-goers leaving (who read the book first) will comment something along this line “It was good, but not as good as the book.”
And why, because we create the main characters and scenes in our unique creativity (as we read the book) and nothing Hollywood creates can ever compare to each individual mover-goer’s imagination.


Isn’t that picture amazing? Angela is right: “It is the best book picture ever.” It says it all.

And just like the wonder of the unknown castle beneath our visualization the secrets of the universe, too lie hidden from surface living and will continue to do so… unless we  take time to commune with our Creator.

So until tomorrow let us always ask God to heighten our awareness of the daily wonders and miracles that live just beyond our self-imposed surface restrictions!

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

*I do most of my talking to my Creator through talking to nature and my garden never ceases to bring me joy.

I changed my barrel’s appearance- the poor little violets gave up the ghost. Hopefully the lantana will be happier in the heat!

In between rounds of showers I got the mandevilla planted by the fence!

And  I finally bought a new house plant to fill in the empty planter- all smile makers!


It is Red Nose Day!

Let’s all show our

support to end child





*Don’t forget! Anne Peterson and friends’ Spring Art Show and Sale is this Saturday May 27- drop-in from 4-8. Come and bring a friend to Anne’s home: Walnut Farms: 131 Scalybark Road, Summerville.


About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to Diving Beneath the Surface of Living

  1. Susan swicegood says:

    Definitely food for thought.

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